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The Leicestershire SEND and Inclusion Strategy is now live

Picture of a 'mum' with her young child sat together reading
Have your say on proposals to improve support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Leicestershire.

Leicestershire County Council has launched a consultation on a three-year-plan which sets out how organisations representing education, health and social care will work together to improve services and support.

The strategy sets out a range of local area priorities identified in the SEND and Inclusion Development Plan.

These include:

  • Improving early identification and timeliness of needs assessments across system partners 
  • A focus on supporting attendance and inclusion, particularly in mainstream settings 
  • Supporting successful well-planned transitions between educational settings and through to adult services 
  • A focus on helping children to achieve good outcomes and support their preparation for adulthood. 

The consultation on the draft SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2027 lasts for eight weeks and closes on midnight, 8th April.

Visit the have your say page to read the strategy in full and respond to the consultation.

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