We’ve got some top tips on how you can incorporate a little bit more movement into your day.
Start small, no need to run a marathon (unless that’s your thing!):
When we think of movement it’s usually someone running or playing football, perhaps it’s bike riding or swimming, and yes, you’re right this is all movement. However, this isn’t the only type of movement you can get involved with.
Movement can mean so many different things. Cleaning your home? That’s movement! Walking the dog? That’s movement! Watering your plants? You guessed it, that’s movement! Making a more conscious effort in your day to get up and move more doesn’t have to mean going out for a jog, we can all get involved no matter our abilities, start small.
Buddy up:
Why don’t you get someone else on board? Encouraging each other to move more means you are more likely to keep on track! You can use this time to perhaps talk about how you’re feeling or what’s on your mind. Maybe, instead of meeting in a coffee shop, get your coffee to go and take a walk at your comfortable pace.
You could also use opportunities for movement to meet new people. Check out what groups and activities are taking place in your area and sign up.
Do your research:
There are so many physical activity programmes out there, there really is something for everyone! You can head out to your local leisure centre, to the local park or even do an at home exercise class (you don’t even need to change out of your pyjamas!). Just ensure you do your research and understand what is the right fit for you and your needs.
Get out in the great outdoors!
Lots of studies suggest that being outdoors in a green space has positive impacts on our mental wellbeing. Take your movement to one of our country parks, walk to the shop instead of driving, whatever it might be try and get a few minutes of fresh air every day. Spend these few minutes really grounding yourself and taking notice of the things around you, try using your 5 senses to see and feel your surroundings.
Further information
For further information about Mental Health Awareness week visit their website.
NHS Leicestershire Partnership - Find information and support for your mental health.
Start a conversation provides a comprehensive list of support services across the county along with guidance on good conversations and breaking down stigma around mental health and suicide.
Every mind matters | NHS provides advice and practical tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel more in control.
My turning point is an online support service to help manage alcohol and drug use. These resources include advice on how to deal with stress at work, sleep difficulties, anxiety and financial difficulties.
Whatever you're going through, Samaritans are there to listen and you can call 116 123 for free.
Mental health | Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust offer round-the-clock access to urgent support, signposting and referral for yourself or on behalf of someone else.