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Physical Health and Wellbeing

Support and advice that can help keep you healthy.

My health and lifestyle 

Leading a healthy lifestyle is not just about the food you eat or how much exercise you get.

There are lots of ways in which our lifestyle can affect our health and vice versa. For example, if you sleep too little it can impact on both your physical and mental health.

The teen health 11 – 19 service website has lots of information about healthy lifestyles including vaping, self-care, allergies, sleep, healthy eating and many more. Teen health  11-19  service

If you are in school and have any worries or issues around these topics then you can contact your teen health officer directly for some 1 to 1 or group support. They will also be able to sign post you to other services that could help.

I think I might be pregnant

If you think you might be pregnant there are a few steps you can take to help you access the services you need.  First of all, you need to take a pregnancy test, there are many different options to choose from, your local chemist or supermarket should stock them to buy, or you can contact your doctors or local sexual health clinic to get a test for free. Use the link to help you to find your nearest clinic: Leicester sexual health clinic

Once you have had a positive pregnancy test you will need to contact your doctors to book in for a midwife appointment. At your first appointment they will discuss your pregnancy options with you and book in your 12-week scan at the hospital.

For extra support you can also access the young mums service here: Leicester Maternity Services.

The health for under 5’s service can also offer you support both mentally and physically from pregnancy until your baby is 5 years old. Health for Under 5

If you feel you want to talk to somebody about terminating your pregnancy or what options may be available to you then please contact your local sexual health clinic or your GP surgery for support. Go to Leicester sexual health clinic and choose the "CHOICES" option.

For more support try the Teen health 11- 19 website or contact your teen health officer in school for guidance: Health for Teens

Sport and leisure centres

Being physically active can have a massive impact on both our physical and mental health. Whilst attending a gym might sound daunting and expensive, in Leicestershire there are several sports and leisure clubs that offer schemes to help you get started and motivated. 

Everyone active run a gym active Scheme for 11 – 15 year olds: Everyone Active

For those aged 16 – 19 they offer a Student Gym Membership

For young people living in North West Leicestershire they also offer the Activ8

Active together offer hints and tips on how to get active as well as offering groups and classes across Leicestershire for you to join, use the website to find out what they offer in your area. Active Together


Eating healthier food

Eating a healthy balanced diet is important at all stages of your life. 

Health for Teens is a great place to start helping us to understand the importance of good nutrition and healthier eating : Health for Teens

Our portion sizes are something we all need to know about and understand to make sure we aren't eating too much of one types of food and not enough of another. 

Your balanced diet chart

You can learn about healthier eating for you and your family by visiting:

NHS Choices - Eat well

NHS - Change 4 Life

Leicestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Service - Healthy Eating

One you - Eat better


Stop Vaping or Smoking 

You can get help if you would like to stop vaping or smoking by visiting: Quit Ready

Or you can text ‘ready’ to 66777.

We know that quitting isn’t easy but giving up smoking will offer both immediate and long term benefits to your health, family and finances.

You’re four times more likely to succeed in your quit attempt with support, and Quit Ready welcomes anyone who wants to stop smoking. Their friendly stop smoking advisors offer you:

  • free, confidential, non-judgmental support
  • a stop smoking programme tailored to your needs
  • advice and information on E-Cigarettes

 For more information on vaping have a look at these sites:



Drugs and Alcohol

Feeling pressured to take drugs? Here are 10 ways to deal with it: Frank

Are you concerned about a friend? 

You can gain support from Turning Point it is a free and confidential service.

 What to do in an emergency?

If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or drinking, call 999 for an ambulance. Tell the crew everything you know. It could save their life.

For more information on drugs and alcohol follow these links:

Young Minds



C-Card Information 

The C-Card is a card which offers free and easy access to condoms and lube in a range of venues, including some clinics, schools, colleges and pharmacies. In Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, the C-Card is available to those aged 13+.

When used correctly during sex, condoms are the only type of protection that help prevent both sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy.

It doesn't matter whether you’re having sex, thinking about having sex or if you’re just curious, the C-Card service is confidential and our trained workers can offer friendly advice on sexual health and relationships.

 Find out more here: Leicester Sexual Health


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