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Black Women's Experiences of Maternity and Motherhood

Black lady holding her pregnant tummy
Do you identify as Black, African or Caribbean? Were you pregnant and/or had your baby in Leicester/Leicestershire between 1984- 2004? We would like to hear about your memories, experiences and thoughts.

What is the study about?
We would like to hear about your memories, experiences and thoughts, to understand what pregnancy and maternity care was like in the past for Black mothers.

What will I be asked to do?
We invite you to participate in a short guided oral history interview (online or face-to-face) with our researcher. It can take place at a time and place convenient for you and will last for around 1 hour. Your story will be anonymised and insights will be shared with decision makers from University Hospitals Leicester, Leicester City Council public health and Leicestershire Council public health to inform improvement of maternity care and outreach services.  Insights will also be shared at a public community event.

Why is this research needed?
Black mothers across the UK have been found to experience poorer maternal health outcomes. Knowing more about people's past experiences, and how these shape the views and advice they share with younger generations, can help improve the NHS and public health pregnancy and maternity care for Black mothers.

Want to take part? Get in touch
If you would like to take part, please let us know by contacting our lead researcher Kellie Moss via email

Further information

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