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Housing and Money

Support and advice on housing, homelessness and money.

Housing support and homelessness

If you are under 18, then housing support can be a mine field. The Government website offers advice and guidance on what to do in this case: Your right to housing if under 18

If you are homeless there are charities that can help you to find a place to live. Check out the websites below to see how they could help you: 

Support and advice if you're homeless

Emergency homeless options for 16-25yr | Shelter

What to do if your 16 or 17 and homeless | Shelter

Support in Leicester | YMCA

Housing support for young people | Framework

Homelessness | Childline


Getting a bank account

If you are aged between 11 and 16 most banks offer accounts for young people if their parent/ guardian banks with them. However, if you are over this age then with ID you can apply for a bank account at most banks.

However, if you're homeless, there's a different process to follow:

How to open a bank account if you're homeless

If you are homeless or have no fixed address some banks offer special bank accounts for people with no fixed address however to gain access to this service, you need to be getting some support from a homelessness charity such as Shelter. How to open a bank account | Shelter


Budgeting advice

Budgeting can be difficult when you are unsure where best to spend your money or how to make sure your money lasts for the time you need it too. Start your very own budget planner here with | Money Advice 

Support and advice on budgeting

The links here offer advice on how to budget as a young person. 

Supporting yourself financially 16-25yr | Money Advice

Budgeting for young adults and teens | Hypejar


Your employment rights

If you are under 18 your rights during employment can differ from those of people over 18. This could be the amount you get paid, the hours you are allowed to work or the jobs you are allowed to do.

Support and advice on your employment rights

The websites below offer advice on your rights and who to contact if you feel your rights aren’t being met. 

Child employment |

Check out your rights under 18 | Citizens Advice

Employment rights under 18 | NI Direct



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