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What benefits could I be entitled to?

Being under 18 there are not as many benefits available to you but there are some that you can apply for under different circumstances. Below are some benefits that you may be entitled to, especially if you are 16 – 19 and still in fulltime education or have a SEND need.

Universal Credit

Universal credit is mainly for people over 18 but under State Pension age who are on a low income or out of work. However, in some circumstances you can claim in you are 16 or 17. 

  • You have a health condition or disability and have medical evidence – such as a fit note. 

  • You’re caring for someone who gets a health or disability- related benefit. 

  • You’re responsible for a child. 

  • You live with your partner, have a responsibility for a child and your partner is eligible for Universal Credit. 

  • You’re pregnant and expecting your baby in the next 11 weeks. 

  • You’ve had a baby in the last 15 weeks. 

  • You do not have parental support, for example you do not live with your parents and are not under local authority care. 

For more information check out these websites: 

Check if you can get universal credit | Citizens Advice

Understanding universal credit | Gov.UK

Young people and benefits | Turn2us


Carers allowance/ PIP

If you are living with a disability, you may be able to claim a Personal independence payment (PIP) to help you with your living costs. Information about this can be found  here: PIP

If you are caring for another person living in your house, you may be able to apply for a carers allowance. To find more information this please look here: Carers Allowance


Full time education benefits/ bursaries 

If you remain in full time education post 16 there are a few benefits you may be entitled to.   

  • 16-19 bursary to help with education related costs. A bursary is money that you or your education or training provider, can use to pay for things such as clothing, books, equipment, transport and lunch on days you study or train.  

There are two types of bursaries available: A bursary for students in vulnerable groups and a discretionary bursary. Here's a weblink which outlines the eligibility and how to claim. How to claim |

  • If you have a child, then you could be entitled to the care to learn benefit to help you stay in education. Try this website to see if you are entitled: Care to learn
  • If you think you might be entitled to free school meals, then click here to use this website to check your eligibility.
  • You could also apply for a free bus pass to help you get to school or college. 

From primary and secondary school : Transport for 5-16yr  

For post 16 education settings: Transport for 16-19yr

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